techno force


to my little fanpage for the japanese band shinjuku gewalt! originally written in japanese as 新宿ゲバルト. they're a picopico visual kei band.

they were formed in 1998 and are now a duo consisting of frontman hiromu toda (戸田宏武) on vocals, synth and programming && yoshiyuki shimizu (清水良行), but they have had a few different members in the past.

the military-style might raise some eyebrows, but shinjuku gewalt's name && outfits are inspired by the japanese new left movement, more specfically shinjuku university students in the 60s who protested against the war && japan's alliance with the united states of america.

zenkyoto committees were for radical left-wing action against the government and the japanese communist party. "gewalt" means force, violence, power or struggle in german, but in a japanese context it's strongly associated with this movement.

now, despite that military aesthetic, shinjuku gewalt's music is actually electronic. it's rather lo-fi. it's really really great stuff!

the members...

hiromu toda
vocal / synth / programming
born 1978.10.26
height 178cm
weight 48kg (too thin...)
blood type A
likes space, soft water, tissues, his house
dislikes vulgar people, hard water, moving houses, performing live

shinjuku gewalt's most important member. a superhuman with no friends.

yoshiyuki shimizu
born 1976.05.08
height 173cm
weight 38 rice cakes
blood type B
likes health, inspiration, KAWAII, meat
dislikes bad smells, exercise, aging, rude people

shinjuku gewalt's left-hand man.

my fav songs...

shinjuku gewalt is a band with so many flawless songs it's hard to choose. stil, i have my favourites and i'd like to share them with you!

they're pretty basic choices. still, i love them.

Suna no Kaijitsu



the stats

hits so far!

shrine was put up on 17 december 2024.

updated 17 december 2024.

run by mousecky.