

Hotchi-KISS (in Japanese ホッチKiss) is (of course) another member of Muchi Muchi Anago. In my opinion he's the cuntiest too. His real name is Yoshikawa Masatoshi.

He was in the band Guruguru Eigakan and then moved on to playing in Taiheiyou Belt. Both are great (even though one is undeniably better than the other...).

Taiheiyou Belt stopped acitivies sometime in 2018. Now he's a FIRE (Financial Investment, Retire Early) type of dude. All he does these days is go on holiday and post camping photos when he hasn't decided he needs a new job to finance all that campung. He never lets his hair get past a certain length and it's SAD. I think he'd look really good with the extra length.

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