Ham no Hito

Ham no Hito

Ham no Hito (in Japanese ハムの人) is another dancer in Muchi Muchi Anago. It's no secret that he's my favourite bandman, not only in Muchi Muchi Anago, but ever. He's so stupid and cool. He's better known as Uyuni and his real name is Yutaka Itou.

He's a Sega otaku freak and his signature makeup is full shironuri with a white line down the face. He has a solo project called Pinokiwo and he's also in the band Ainori Technos.

His entire profile in Muchi Muchi Anago is ham-themed. His gender is meat and he lives in a ham processing plant.

I've also been told he's Ginsyari Ichigo's younger brother. Recent evidence has made me less sure of this and THAT makes me really scared.

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